What to know about Live Related Liver Transplant (LDLT) ?

Who can be a living liver donor ? 

A living liver donor should meet the following criteria :

1) Compatible blood group with the recipient 

2) Age group : 18-55 years 

3) The donor must be a family member of the patient - 1) First degree family member - Eg wife, husband, mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandfather, grandmother or 2) Second degree family member -Eg niece, nephew

4) He should not be overweight or obese 

5) The person must donate of his/ her own free will

What are the advantages of Live related liver transplant (LDLT) over Deceased donor liver transplantation (DDLT) ?

1) Decreased waiting time for the recipient 

2) Planned surgery - can be scheduled on a convenient day and time 

3)Living donors usually go through a thorough health evaluation - this translates to good post-transplant outcomes in the recipient and quick recovery time for the donor.

4)Live liver transplant between immediate family members may provide better histocompatibility matching leading to an immunologic advantage and increased chances of organ acceptance 

5) The quality of liver graft is much better in living related transplants than in cadaveric transplants. 

6)Fast-tracking possible- this means, surgery can be done quickly before the patient gets extremely sick from his liver disease. 

Is living liver donation a safe operation ? 

A normal liver has two remarkable qualities : 

1) Reserve : A healthy person requires only 30% of the total available liver volume for its day-to-day functioning 

2) Regeneration : A normal liver has the ability to regenerate and regain full function after donor hepatectomy. This happens within 6-8 weeks after surgery. 

Because of these properties, right or left lobe of the liver ( around 50-70%) can be safely removed from the donor and transplanted into the recipient. 

Living liver donation is practically a safe operation and most of the donors will have an uneventful recovery after surgery. 

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For more information please visit our website www.livertransplantindia.info

You can follow us on Facebook @ Dr Rahul Saxena / Instagram @dr.rahul.saxena 


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